‘Boksi Ko Ghar,’ directed by Sulakshyan Bharati, may feel like uncomfortable fiction to some, but it reflects a sad reality for many.

Director: Sulakshyan Bharati

Cast: Keki Adhikari, Shupala Sapkota, Swechya Raut

Language: Nepali

Duration: 1 hour 50 minutes

If you are someone who watches movies solely for entertainment and not for the message they convey, ‘Boksi Ko Ghar‘ is undoubtedly not for you. With elements of horror, the film is unsettling and disturbing, yet some heart-warming moments offer brief comfort. If you have yet to watch the movie, be aware that this review contains spoilers.

Short Summary Of The Movie

‘Boksi Ko Ghar’ tells the harrowing story of Janu, a bright young girl whose life is devastated by child marriage, superstition, and societal injustice. From her traumatic wedding night to being labeled a witch, Janu endures a series of abuses that reflect the harsh realities faced by many women in rural Nepal. The film critiques deeply rooted social issues, showcasing how superstition and misogyny can destroy lives and perpetuate cycles of violence.

Boksi Ko Ghar: The Plot

The story jumps between past and present. We see Keki Adhikari as adult Janu, called a ‘Boksi’ (witch), talking to Swechchha Raut, a journalist looking into her story.

Young Janu (Shupala Sapkota) loves studying and wants to be a journalist. But she’s forced to marry an older man. On her wedding night, her husband rapes her. She’s sent home until she has her first period. When she returns, she’s confused and bleeding.

Things get worse when Janu’s husband dies crossing a river. Everyone blames her. Her mother-in-law calls her unlucky and makes her live in a cowshed. Her father-in-law rapes her too. When caught, the mother-in-law beats Janu, yelling, “You killed my son and now you’re after my husband.”

Boksi Ko Ghar did well in box office
The poster of the movie.

The movie shows how cruel these beliefs can be. A traditional healer (jhakri) says Janu is a witch. She’s forced to eat feces. Alone, Janu lives under a tree. She keeps seeing her younger self, wishing she could warn her.

The student journalist comes to write about witchcraft. The men who had raped Janu, fearing their plot was about to be uncovered, claim Janu has turned her into a witch too. In the end, they stone Janu to death. The last scene shows the student with a shaved head, yelling “boksi.” This shows how these harmful practices keep going, passed from one woman to another.

The Star Performers

Shupala Sapkota and Keki Adhikari both play Janu well. Sapkota shows the confusion of a child bride. Adhikari portrays an adult Janu who’s been through a lot. The actors playing Janu’s mother and mother-in-law also do a good job, showing how deeply people believe these harmful ideas.

Strong Symbolism and Imagery

The movie uses symbols to tell its story. Janu wears a white sari during the day and a red one at night. This shows how she’s treated differently in public and private, the men treat her as an outcast during the day and rape her during the night. The tree where Janu lives represents both her shelter and her isolation.

How It Mirrors the Nepali Society

‘Boksi Ko Ghar’ talks about big problems in Nepal. It shows how child marriage, unfair treatment of women, and false beliefs hurt people. The film reveals how these issues are connected, creating a cycle of abuse.

The movie shows how people often blame others for bad luck to make themselves feel better. It also shows how powerful traditional healers can be in remote areas, making families turn against each other.

While the story is made up, it reflects real issues in Nepal and other places. The film asks viewers to question harmful traditions and stand up for those who can’t defend themselves. The journalist character gives some hope at first, but the movie shows these problems aren’t easy to solve.

The ending, with Janu’s death and the cycle continuing, sends a strong message. It shows that these practices will keep hurting people unless we actively work to stop them.

All in all, ‘Boksi Ko Ghar’ is one of the strongest movies about harmful practices in Nepal. It’s not easy to watch, but it’s important. It makes viewers face hard truths about child marriage, abuse, and unfair treatment of women.

The director, actors, and story all work together to create a powerful experience. ‘Boksi Ko Ghar’ shows how movies can shine a light on social issues and get people talking. For those ready to engage with tough subjects, this film offers a meaningful and memorable experience.

Furthermore, it has been rumored that the screenplay for the sequel is already ready, but the filming won’t start anytime soon.

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